Welcome to the CWA Queensland Piecemakers blog. Here you will find interesting information about events, past and present of CWA Piecemakers groups throughout Queensland.

Monday, February 17, 2014


A workshop is planned for 7 & 8 June at Ruth Fairfax House.
Details to be posted nearer the time.


The Piecemaker's Challenge for 2014 is to make something for the kitchen featuring citrus. This is QCWA's primary product being promoted this year. You could make a bag, runner, table mats, washing machine topper!!!! Whatever you like but it must have the fruit appliqued or fabric.
The winner will be Viewer's Choice at the State Conference to be held in Ipswich in October.

The block shown has not been done carefully enough - note the dark green leaf showing through the lemon. It needed closer trimming and the quilting is not straight around the cream square. I will have to do another one!


There is to be a quilt show at Bribie Island Community Arts centre. Tuesday 27 May - Sunday 1 June. 9.00am - 4.00pm daily Admission $3
Call Margaret 0438 655288 or Pam 3408 4294
Get some friends together and go along.